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植物服务提高了效率,通过Opentext RightFax + Greenway Health增强患者护理万博app教程
Specialty-focused practices, ambulatory practices and other healthcare providers are increasing the amount of care they provide through telehealth methods. While this can streamline care for patients, preventing them from having to travel long distances or risk dangerous exposure leaving their homes, telehealth can also create communication headaches for practices whose employees may be working from home and who still need to fax patient information to pharmacies, hospitals and other care givers.
传真仍然是医护行业的独立实践和诊所可用的最值得信赖和安全的文件传递方法。使用Greenway Health的更适合作为其电子健康记录(EHR)管理系统的实践需要可值得信赖的方式来将传真与其他信息管理系统上的提供商交换保护的患者信息。但是,许多当前的传真基础架构是不可靠或过时的,导致传真传输缓慢,错误的文档和受保护的患者数据接触未经授权的访问。
这些问题可能会妨碍小型独立实践,导致生产力和整体患者护理的缩短。通过使用OpenText FlifeFax提高传真工作流的效率和可靠性,您可以转换传真依赖的工作流程,消除效率低下并提供高级安全性以提高底线结果。万博app教程

What is OpenText RightFax?

RightFax is the market-leading automated electronic document delivery and secure messaging solution. It is the only scalable fax server with the comprehensive deployment options to meet today’s needs and evolve with changes in your business as it grows. RightFax offers API integration with Greenway’s Intergy EHR to address the challenge of delivering medical records, lab results, doctor’s notes and other essential documents with an easy-to-use interface. RightFax efficiently delivers documents from a variety of clinical and back-office applications used by your practice to ensure the safe and hassle-free transmission of patient information.

Available fully on-site or hosted in thecloud, RightFax redefines and modernizes secure fax through:

API Integration with Intergy EHR
Send, receive and manage faxes from within Intergy or RightFax FaxUtil.


Fully HIPAA Compliant Solution
Manage Protected Health Information (PHI) in a secure and reliable electronic format.

Advanced Secure Faxing
Provide encrypted and tamper-resistant document delivery with secure storage and a complete audit trail.

如果你的狗万 service is already using Intergy, you can improve productivity, increase revenue and enhance patient care by providing critical information quickly, accurately and safely by implementing RightFax.


发送传真通过RightFax Intergy万博app教程 automates the medical record and secure document delivery process, intuitively organizing the information making it traceable and auditable. This process provides your business with the flexibility to securely distribute virtually any document from any application, including Microsoft®交换®, using a centralized fax and document delivery solution.

How it Works

righ万博app教程tFAX API将处理出站传真作业,并将其直接传递给RightFAX服务器以进行发送。一旦发送,将从rightFAX服务器返回“完整”状态,以便在Intergy的界面中查看您可以查看的API万博app教程。传真可以立即发送到各个位置或多个目的地。

如果传真失败,rightfax API将返回“失败万博app教程”状态,并将传真传送到篮子中的“失败传真”。用户收到通知以调查失败的传真,并根据HIPAA合规性返回并记录到患者记录。






Intergy, together with RightFax, provides several methods for routing received faxes to their intended recipients within your business:

Smart Fax Distribution

Bar Code Routing
Faxes are scanned for 1- or 2-dimensional bar codes and then routed to the corresponding inbox or destination.

Direct Inward Dialing (DID)
Route faxes directly to the user based on their assigned routing code – a portion of their specific fax number.

A complete audit trail tracks the history of each fax, including transmission information, every forward, manual route or view of the fax. This allows your business to verify that sensitive information has been handled correctly and kept secure.

How it Works

As faxes are received by the RightFax server, they are delivered based on the fax workflows configured by your system administrators. Faxes containing sensitive information such as PHI can be routed directly to a designated group or individual to prevent mishandling or unauthorized access.

Documents can be delivered to a number of different end-points, based on the recipients configured preferences, including an email inbox, network folder or a printer. Recipients can also configure what type of documents they will receive, including TIFF images, PDFs and Searchable PDFs.


Fax continues to be the most trusted method of patient information transmission for healthcare providers and services using Greenway’s Intergy EHR. Manual document delivery workflows present logistic and security challenges especially in telehealth settings. OpenText RightFax can address these challenges while ensuring timely and reliable exchange of prescriptions, referrals and other business-critical information. RightFax, together with Intergy, can provide unmatched reliability with top-of-the-line business continuity, flexibility and ease of use.

To learn more about how your healthcare service or clinic can expand the features and functionality of your Greenway Health Intergy EHR, reach out to a RightFax expert today!


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